5 Small Things to Make You Happy

Everyday of our lives, we face hundreds of little things that can stress us out without us even realizing it. Every now and then, it’s good to take a step back and do a few small things that make us happy. The only downside to that is sometimes it’s hard to think of small things to make us happy, as weird as it sounds. So here’s a list of five small things to make you happy at any random time.

1. Optimistically Look Forward

One of the hardest things to do when things are down is look forward, as when you’re feeling down, your thoughts about the future can often be altered in a negative way. However, while it may be hard to do, find enough positive things in your life to be able to optimistically look forward. no matter what your current situation is, there is always a reason to be optimistic about the future. Take that opportunity to give yourself a positive outlook.

Stay positive, and think about what your future holds for you. It can drastically change the way you look at

2. Random Acts of Kindness

From experience, one of the easiest ways to increase my overall happiness quickly was to do something kind for someone else. Now, it doesn’t happen too often, but occasionally I see it fit to do something kind for someone else. It can be something as simple as picking up the tab for lunch or buying flowers/chocolate for someone you love. Whatever it may be, it typically makes the day better seeing someone else’s day be positively affected.

3. Write Down Things You’re Grateful For

When you’re feeling down, one of the best things you can do for yourself is recognize everything you have in life that means something to you. Take out a pen and PostIt Note, and write down a list of five simple things you’re thankful for. Here’s a list of 5 things for me.

1. Health
2. Future Opportunities
3. Family
4. Work
5. Supportive Surroundings

4. Call a Friend

Sometimes, something as a simple conversation with someone you have something in common with or someone you care about can drastically change the way your day is. Even if there is nothing specific to talk about, you could always make plans to do something in the near future, or meet for dinner that night. Whatever the case may be, talking with a friend can easily affect your mood in a positive way.

5. Accomplish a Goal for the Day

It doesn’t have to be an insanely large task, but simply setting and accomplishing a goal can help improve your happiness. You’ll feel more productive, energized, and optimistic about the future. Put those together, and you’re on your way to improving your mood.Screen Shot 2014-11-17 at 4.57.17 PM

For me, one of those small goals was finishing this article. It wasn’t an incredibly long article, but it was something I had been wanting to accomplish.