So with everything in life, there are good days and some which are bad. Wow! I feel as if I just stated the most obvious fact of life. Nevertheless, today was not the best day for vlogging clips. The day started off pretty basic, aside from waking up at 1 PM from being out so late. After we got some work done, we decided we were going to act on our Baconator wish and head to the nearest Wendy’s. Nic decided that he was going to get a suicidal triple Baconator, but I decided to go for the healthier route – the double. As you may know, I’m watching my figure – watching it grow.

After lunch, the day somewhat seems to end. We came back to my house, and we talked to Bailey for a few minutes while we contented to get some work done until around 5. Nic went home, and I went to see Lauren for a few hours. I assume both of us thought the other one would vlog some clips; unfortunately, however, neither of us seemed to do so.

All in all, we had about 4 minutes of raw footage, so after we cut it down, it was about 3:20 worth of footage. Because of this, we knew that we had to make it up to you guys, so we decided we would talk about what we worked on yesterday – If you didn’t notice, you’re on that site now, so you did a good job of finding it! We talk about the newsletter, affiliate links, and quite a bit more. While it may not be the most interesting for those of you who watch for entertainment, it’s great for those who follow us for our company.

Nevertheless, I hope you all enjoy, and I wish you the best of luck today! I’ll see you tomorrow!