Today was the day Nic and I went to look at the house his parents are considering purchasing. Nic and I would be renting the upstairs, which alone is around 1,700 (plenty enough room of the two of us). The two of us would both have our own office, bedroom, and bathroom, which is something that is extremely nice.

After we looked at the house, though, we decided to take a backroad home, which isn’t that unusual for us. We love driving, and it’s a great way for us to clear our minds. However, this time, we decided we were going to go for an off-road adventure. We had Bailey’s Toyota Highlander, so we figured why not? It was quite fun, and I hope we have the opportunity to do it again soon. I’ve always wanted to purchase a Range Rover, which as fantastic off-road, so this was a nice treat. I’ll probably end up purchasing the Range Rover within the next few years, but for now, my Accord is still running fine – slow, but fine.

Also, I do want to mention that Nic accidentally deleted all of his footage from the 22, so we were a bit short of his footage of the house.